Swamp Rat

(1 customer review)


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The Swamp Rat is a hard clipping distortion pedal inspired by the venerable Rat pedal.


The Swamp Rat is inspired by the Rat pedal. It has a mid range hump but it has a lot more bass available and less gain, although there is still plenty of gain on tap.

Sound Demo


The Swamp Rat makes an excellent “always on” pedal as it cleans up beautifully with a turn of your guitar’s volume knob.

When the gain is kept low the Swamp Rat works really well as a volume boost and is great for jazz.

When the gain reaches two o’clock the pedal produces a thick, rich and singing distortion suitable for most rock applications.

The Swamp Rat pairs particularly well with a tubescreamer type pedal which further drops both highs and lows and provides a more pronounced mid-range hump for solos.

The Swamp Rat utilises JFET buffered switching for noiseless on-off switching and the pedal powers up in the same on-off state state in which it was powered down.

Wima caps are used in the signal chain and where that is impractical Nichicon Fine Gold series caps have been used instead.


  • Voltage – 9 volts (no provision for battery operation)
  • current draw < 5mA
  • Input impedance – 1 M Ohm
  • Output impedance – 10K Ohm
  • Clipping – hard

The Swamp Rat is an small marsupial that inhabits the eastern seaboard of Australia. It can be ferocious when provoked.


Weight 0.5 kg

1 review for Swamp Rat

  1. Sienna

    Have this one on all the time, can get some beautiful warm clean tones as well as some really dirty tones too. Very versatile and suits every style of guitar playing!

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